

Here are a few of the painters and their work that have inspired my own. Some are well known icons of art while a few are less well known. Artists Philip Pearlstein (Portrait of Linda Nochlin & Richard Pommer, 1968), Thomas Hart Benton (Louisiana Rice Fields, 1928), Maurice Kish (Job Hunters,1932), Edward Lord Weeks (Old Blue-Tiled Mosque, 1885), and David Gilmour Blythe (Art versus Law, 1859) along with others.

From this page you can quickly see I’m an avid admirer of classical fine art. Pearlstein’s figure paintings have always motivated me since my early years as a student of painting. And Sargent, well he occupies a special place in art history and my own for his masterful control of color, brushwork, and compositions. Kish’s work in capturing the grind of working men and women is especially interesting to me as the subject matter is close to my own area of study.